Passa al contingut principal
- Greedy:
strong desire to have more and more (cobdiciós) excessivament desitjós de riqueses
- Cruel:
likes to cause suffering in others
- Outlaw:
lives outside the protection of ehe law / a criminal (proscrits)
- Robber:
steals from others
- Possessions:
things that a
person has
- Archer:
a person with a bow and arrow (arquero)
- Earl:
nobleman (comte)
- Huntingdon:
town in east
central England
- The
the name given by Christians to modern Palestine and Israel.
- Harm:
hurt, do damage to (danyar)
- Hiding
secret place where no one can find you (amagatall)
- Horn: banya
- Stream:very
small river.
- Branch:
part of a tree. (branca)
- Sword:
- Merry:
- Quarrel:
- Abbot:
head of an abbey (abat)
- Wicked:
- Maid:
young girl (criada)
- Disguised:
changed her aparence.
- Took
removed (prendre)
- Helmet: casac
- Cowards:
people who are not courageous
- Wildly:
without control
- Challenges:
invitations to compete in a competition or fight
- Peasant:
person who works the land
- Targets:
- Cloak:
long outer clothing without sleeves, shoulders or arms (capa)
- Trap:
plan for tricking or catching a person (trampa)
- Pale:
very white in the face
- Knelt:
went down on their knees

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